Leadership Skills Training and Seminars: Leading Individuals and Teams
Leadership 4 High Performing Teams* Sample Agenda
Day 1
- Program Goals
- Personal Goals
- High Performance Organizations
- The Bus Company
High Performing Teams
- Mission
- Goals/Roles
- Communication
- Decision-Making
- Systems
- Rewards
The Leadership 4 System
- Leadership Styles
- Effective vs. Ineffective Leadership
- Matching Styles to Potential
- Leadership By Anticipation
Leading Critical Relationships
- Leadership in Action
- Assessing Performance Potential
- Prescribing Effective Leadership Styles
Situational Analysis
- Diagnosing Performance Problems
- Changing Leadership Styles
Day 2
L4 Self Feedback
- Style Preferences
- Style Effectiveness
L4 Other Feedback
- Best Leaders/Worst Leaders
- Actual Styles
- Ideal Styles
- Changing Styles
Performance Contracting
- Leading Upward
- Setting Goals
- Contracting for Leadership Styles
Increasing Leadership Effectiveness
- The L4 Game
- Improving Diagnostic Skills
- Organizing for Effective Teamwork
Leadership 4 Group Development
- Stages of Group Development
- Leading Group Dynamics
- Distributed Leadership
The Leader’s Window
- Using Group Power to Enhance Individual Performance
- The 4 Secrets for Leading High Performance Teams
- Strength’s and Weaknesses in Your Organization
- Inspiring Teamwork
Putting Learning’s Into Action
- Key Learnings
- Action Plan
For further information about Potentia’s approach to developing Leadership Capability or to talk to someone about implementing this process in your organization please contact us.
*Leadership 4 High Performing Teams™ is delivered in collaboration with the Charter Oak Consulting Group, Inc.
Contents Copyright 2004 Potentia Consulting