Case Studies
Project #1: Early Stage Company
- Satisfy a critical investor funding requirement by implementing a complex series of manufacturing process changes (to demonstrate scalability) in a timeframe 3 months faster than currently thought possible.
- Accomplish these process changes through a collaborative effort involving several internal groups (Mfg, Development, QA/QC, Regulatory and Procurement) whose current working relationships were strained at best and characterized by low trust, “blame gaming” and finger pointing.
- Address the CEO’s frustration with the root cause of the interdepartmental discord, namely a lack of alignment and interpersonal conflict among several members of the executive team.
- Conducted 1:1 interviews and an executive team offsite in which the nature and impact of the current working relationships were put on the table. A truce of sorts was mediated among the senior leaders and agreement was gained to work together on this critical strategic priority.
- Gathered input from a broad cross-section of employees on the challenges and opportunities they saw for successful implementation of the needed changes in the required timeframe.
- Designed and facilitated a series of working sessions where we engaged a group of 25-30 employees from each of the groups involved. During these working sessions the groups were charged with fundamentally re-thinking their approach to implementing the manufacturing process changes in order to dramatically reduce the time required.
The manufacturing process changes were delivered in a timeframe that met the investor’s needs. The members of the executive leadership team reported a dramatic turn around in their ability to work productively together. Employees below them in the organization noticed this shift and subsequently reported feeling empowered to work together in ways they never had before to deliver this critical result. The organization learned a completely new and highly collaborative approach to managing future process changes.
Project #2: Newly Acquired Division of a Multi-National Company
· Support the new General Manager, recently arrived from France on his first US assignment, as he made the difficult transition to his new role as head of an acquired company.
· Enable candid dialogue and help to integrate an executive team that had been fractured by cultural differences (American, French, British, Asian), disparate functional priorities and perspectives and disaffection with some of the GM’s personnel decisions.
· Conducted executive team-building sessions for a multinational management team as they strove to integrate this newly acquired, highly entrepreneurial business acquisition into a new parent corporate entity.
· Provided one-on-one coaching to the CEO and Executive Team Leaders on improving their personal effectiveness and resolving interpersonal conflicts with team members.
· Conducted Dialogue/Conflict mediation sessions between team members to chart a common path forward.
Turned around the negative culture at the top, strengthening executive team relationships, empowering the new GM to truly lead his team through the integration process. Brought a halt to a threatened exodus of several high-level managers.
Project #3: Research Operation of a Mid-sized Company
· Address the lack of clearly articulated and shared Mission, Vision, and Values for the organization that was reflected in a low level of employee engagement in the mission.
· Redefine a research strategy that was variously viewed to be non-existent, poorly articulated or ill-conceived. Through this effort help individual scientists shift their emphasis from favorite projects to technologies aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities.
· Resolve unexpressed conflict that was impeding open communication and the ability to build consensus around important strategic business issues.
· Facilitated a process that engaged the entire employee population of 200 in defining a compelling Mission, Vision and 30-year Goal for the organization.
· Guided the development of strategies for the two primary therapeutic areas. Engaged a broader cross-section of researchers in the process than ever before. Followed this with an equally broad based implementation process that engaged those scientists impacted by strategic organizational changes as architects and implementors of the changes.
· Worked with the senior leadership team to improve its capacity for open dialogue and effective conflict resolution. Coached key leaders, on techniques and strategies for improving interpersonal effectiveness and team participation in critical discussions, problem solving and decision-making.
The President reports that the support he received throughout the strategy development process saved him “at least a month of [his] own man hours” and achieved outcomes he could not have produced given his role in the organization. Development of a clear research strategy enabled, for the first time, the creation of a set of objective research productivity metrics. Employees report a deeper sense of connection and commitment to the purpose and strategic direction of the company than at any time in the past. Organizational changes, that in the past would have created significant disenfranchisement, have been carried out with minimum disruption to operations. Key players report that they are now able to have more candid debate and discussion on important issues and work through conflict constructively.
Project #4: Fast Growing Company
· Provide support to key senior managers, including the current President and CEO, through challenging management transitions and an extended period of rapid growth and change.
· Address the skills gaps that became apparent when predominantly technical/scientific managers assumed leadership/managerial positions.
· Help functional executives manage ongoing corporate growth and diversification.
· Develop a stronger bench of junior managers positioned for future leadership succession.
· Conducted a Climate Survey to perform an organizational “Pulse Check” on employee satisfaction/engagement. Performed periodic follow-up surveys to monitor progress.
· Coached key executives in the development, communication and implementation of organizational changes in response to growth and an evolving business environment.
· Coached key leaders who were at risk of career derailment due to an inability to transition from a senior technical role to a functional/project leadership role.
· Conducted teambuilding sessions with scientific leadership teams focusing on improving interpersonal effectiveness and team functioning.
· Held the first-ever leadership development training for 80+ managers in the organization in concepts of “manager as coach” and “situational leadership.”
Enhanced the key leaders’ change management skills as they guided the company through a period of fast growth in which the organization doubled in size through acquisitions and released its first product. Provided support and counsel to the President and CEO through a time of tremendous turnover in the executive leadership team. Transitioned scientific teams from a competitive dynamic to a more collaborative style. Enhanced the interpersonal and management/business competencies of several key leaders. Improved employee motivation, morale, and engagement.
Project #5: Mid-sized Company
- Address the President’s frustration with the lack of shared strategic leadership among the executive team in the growth of the company.
- Develop the members of the Senior Management Team into increasingly strong executives who could accomplish the company’s aggressive mission.
- Build the management bench strength by developing a feeder pool from lower down in the management ranks.
- Give all managers constructive feedback to help them calibrate their skills to their current jobs in support of improved business results. Create plans for the ongoing career development of managers at all levels.
- Guided the executive team through a process to design a new Leadership Competency Model to meet the current business goals and future challenges of the company.
- Conducted 360° feedback sessions for the top 65 executives in the company. Supported them in identifying personal development plans. Provided one-on-one coaching in strengthen their leadership skills and abilities.
- Collaborated with the HR group to replicate the assessment/feedback process with approximately 90 additional managers at lower levels. Included training internal managers as 360° process coaches.
- Conducted teambuilding sessions for the Senior Management Team and each executive’s functional leadership team. Participants shared their individual feedback and development plans, identified common strengths and improvement needs and developed strategies for leveraging these insights to improve team effectiveness.
- Brought the Senior Management Team together to examine the themes that emerged from the assessments and create action plans for common development needs that were identified.
- Established follow-up activities to sustain individual and organizational development.
The executive leadership team managed conflict more openly and constructively. During a period of rapid growth, with a resultant doubling of revenues, this work was credited with enabling more agile decision-making and a more efficient ramp up of new business activities. Improved individual leadership capabilities and team effectiveness for the extended management team of 8 executives and their 57 direct reports. Identified potential rising stars and planned for the development support they would need to succeed in the long run.